Small pets are the most common for young children. You don't have to take them for walks and they're pretty
simple to buy food and homes. Below, you can see my hamsters cage. This one is probably more expensive than simple ones. Normal cages will probably have at least one floor. Hamsters or mice will access these floors
by tubes or ladders. All small creatures need a warm area with plenty of bedding. This bedding can be bought in most pet shops. Rats, are a lot bigger, so they need a bigger version of cage, and are more expensive
to feed!
All mice, hamsters, rats, and chipmunks, need a proper diet of fresh fruit, vegtables and water. Special food
can be bought. It contains dried veggies and small biscuits. All small pets need a water bottle, this is a small bottle, with a spout at the end, containing a small ball. When the pet sucks the spout with the ball,
the ball rotates, making tiny drops of water seep through. |